House Information

Check in / Check Out 

Unless otherwise discussed, check in is 3:00pm and check out is 11:00 am. 

House Codes 

The day before your reservation you will receive a list with codes for the house. These codes change with each guest which is why we wait until prior to your arrival. This will include front door, security system, garage and wifi. 

  • Front Door:  To unlock the door simply type in the code followed by the check mark. To lock the door before you leave, simply pull the door closed and touch the Yale sign on the touch screen. Note: if the touch screen flashes the numbers like an “X” it means the door is not quite closed, simply pull the door a little more and lock again.  

  • Security System: The security system should already be disabled prior to you entering the house; however, a code will be provided just in case. The key pad is directly to the right of the door as you enter the house. Note that we have installed two security cameras (in the front and rear of the house) as well as some sensors around the house. Please note these are not for monitoring you, and are generally active when the security system is active. 

  • Garage: The keypad for the garage is on the left side of the left garage door. Please note, the garage holds our personal items. We ask that you only enter the garage for garbage/recycling storage. 

  • Wifi: You will see small circular white towers plugged in around the house. This is the wifi mesh system which provides seamless wifi throughout. You will receive password with the rest of the house codes. 


We request that you do not wear shoes throughout the home and provide complementary slippers for guests.  


The kitchen includes a stove, oven, microwave, air fryer, slow cooker, fridge, and single serve Keurig coffee maker. We have plates, glasses, pots, pans, cookie sheets and other essentials. PLEASE LEAVE THE KITCHEN AS YOU FOUND IT. It is greatly appreciated if you clean and put away all dishes prior to your departure.  

Fireplace - DO NOT use the fire places inside the house. They are not in working order. Thank you!  

Property Description 

  • Please feel free to explore the 7-acre property.  As a guide, the property starts at the tree line to the left of the house (facing from street, before the water run off /creek) and goes all the way to the fence right before the house to the right. There are some trails on the right side of the property though conditions very depending on season and rain.  The back of the property generally ends a bit past the brush line. We do not advise passing the brush line as there is likely prickers and poison ivy and ticks (like anywhere).  


  • Please remove all waist from the house prior to your departure. There are two large bins in the garage (black is for garbage, orange is for recycling). Please do not bag recyclables they can go directly in the bin. If the bins are full, please leave garbage bagged next to the bin. PLEASE Do not leave garbage outdoors. This will attract wildlife which can make for quite a mess. 

  • Pickup is every Wednesday. Sanitation crew will back the truck up to the garage and remove garbage. Please make sure your vehicles are not in the way if possible. Please call us if garbage is not removed and we will contact the sanitation company. 

Hot Tub 

  • The hot tub is open year-round for guests. Please Keep the hot tub clean and clear. Shower before you get in to get off most particles, oils, cosmetics and hair and skin products. No shoes, street clothes, glass containers or food in the hot tub. Please do not eat in the hot tub or use soap/shampoo, or essential oils while inside the hot tub.  

  • To open, remove bungie cords and fold the cover over the bar. Then simply pull the bar back and the cover should hang over the bar. Please keep covered when not in use! This will help keep plant debris reduce energy used to keep it warm. 

  • PLEASE NOTE: While we have the hot tub serviced regularly, it is not serviced between all guest stays. We emphasize keeping the hot tub clean for consideration of future guests. If for any reason you have concerns over the water quality when you arrive, please contact us.  



  • The pool is generally open from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Please go to for simple videos on how to remove the cover and operate the pool vacuum robot. Please make sure water level does not get too low (it should be an inch or two above skimmer line). If it does, you may need to add some water with the hose (typically adds an inch an hour). DO NOT walk on top of the pool cover for any reason. If you have any questions/concerns please call.



  • The grill is gas ONLY, please do not use charcoal. To turn on open the valve on the propane tank, turn the grill knobs and press the ignition button. Please close the propane valve when you are finished for safety reasons. If you run out of propane, there is a back-up in the garage. Please ensure the grill is covered when not in use HOWEVER DO NOT put cover on while grill is hot. 

Fire Pit 

  • Do not move the fire pit as it must be a safe distance from the house. Do not leave a fire unattended and make sure the fire is out when you are finished. Keep fires small and well contained within the pit. Make sure there are no leaves or debris near the pit. You may use the wood in the front of the house. (There are also marshmallow sticks in the kitchen!) 

  • We HIGHLY suggest closing all windows in the back of the house when having a fire to avoid smoke entering the house. 


Water Usage  

  • Please note that the house is on well water.  Excessive use of water could drain the well so please be mindful so you do not run out of water. That being said, we have never run out of water personally.  


Bathroom Waste 

  • Please note the house has a septic system. To ensure your stay is as pleasant as possible, ONLY flush septic safe toilet paper and human waste down toilets. Anything else can cause clogs and back ups.  


Lawn Care 

  • Note that a lawn care professional generally mows the lawns once a week, though the day and time varies due to weather conditions. Please just be aware if they start mowing, the process is quite fast as they have multiple guys and takes less than 20 minutes.  


Upon Leaving 

  • Please make sure all garbage is placed in garbage bins and take all leftover food you had brought with you.  

  • Ensure all windows are closed and locked.  

  • We ask that bedding is stripped and placed in the laundry room if possible.  

  • Please clean all dishes prior to leaving.